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Längtar tills man kan få se den!
Dakota - Marie Claire

Dakota Flare covergirl

Kristen, Taylor och Robert får 25 mil var för BD

Fler stills


Rob & Kristen överraskar fans!

Robert kan tänka sig dejta ett fan!
Ny "Ew" Bild

Sneak peak
Kristen & Robert

Kolla Rob :P
Nya Eclipse- stills
HillywoodShow - The Runaways parody
Dakota hos Jimmy Kimmel Live
Peter & Elizabeth hos Lopez Tonight
Vad skulle du ta hem från inspelningen?

Robert: "I keep everything from the set. I've stolen all of Edward's clothes."

Kellan: "Emmett's Jeep! I've wanted it since we shot the first movie. I keep saying that, but nothing's happened. I'm still waiting!"

Xavier: "Vampires dress really well, so it would have to be Riley's jacket. When you run it's a bit flamboyant, but it looks good. I recommend running in those jackets."

Tinsel (Emily): "My relationship with everybody from set. We get along like a real family. Our relationship is special."

Taylor: "All my character wears is jean shorts, so I'll have to go with those. That's my only option!"

Elizabeth: "My original Esme bracelet. I've seen reproductions of it in stores, but I want to keep the one that I wear once we finish [filming]. It's mine!"

Julia: "Leah's cut-offs!"
Skulle vilja se vad Kristen skulle säga... :(
Eclipse tjänade 68.5 miljoner doller första dagen
A record-setting midnight can’t be wrong: Eclipse made a whole lot of money yesterday.
The third Twilight film grossed an estimated $68.5 million, besting the opening-day mark of every movie ever released—except New Moon.
To one box office analyst, there’s no mystery in why Eclipse was unable to eclipse its elder sibling.
“Honestly,” Exhibitor Relations’ Jeff Bock said today, “the only reason is that [Eclipse] opened on a Wednesday instead of a Friday [like New Moon].”
The quirks of the calendar did not prevent Eclipse from setting a couple of new records: The movie is now the biggest Wednesday grosser ever, topping Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen, and, more impressive, the biggest single summer-day grosser ever, beating the box office’s still-ultimate summer movie, The Dark Knight.
Ashley på framsidan av Asos

Gon ville ju bli model innan twilight med hon var för kort så hon blev skådespelerska. Om hon inte varit för kort tror jag att det skulle gått rätt bra för henne som model.
Tindningens "ord" om Ashley
'Although Ashley can’t predict the future, it looks like she does have something in common with her character Alice Cullen — she loves clothes! Over the course of her three year rise in fame she’s proved that she’s one of Hollywood’s budding new fashionistas, and a couple of weeks ago she was awarded “Style Icon” at the annual Young Hollywood Awards. It’s no wonder that the 23-year-old posed for the cover of the July issue of Asos Magazine like a model than an actress.'
Ashleys om hennes personliga stil "Jag gillar inte den trashiga looken"