Ashley på framsidan av Asos
Gon ville ju bli model innan twilight med hon var för kort så hon blev skådespelerska. Om hon inte varit för kort tror jag att det skulle gått rätt bra för henne som model.
Tindningens "ord" om Ashley
'Although Ashley can’t predict the future, it looks like she does have something in common with her character Alice Cullen — she loves clothes! Over the course of her three year rise in fame she’s proved that she’s one of Hollywood’s budding new fashionistas, and a couple of weeks ago she was awarded “Style Icon” at the annual Young Hollywood Awards. It’s no wonder that the 23-year-old posed for the cover of the July issue of Asos Magazine like a model than an actress.'
Ashleys om hennes personliga stil "Jag gillar inte den trashiga looken"