Kristen i On The Road
Kristen kommer att spela Marylou i en film som heter On the Road. Filmen baseras på en bok med samma namn av Jack Kerouac från 1957, och flera regissörer har försökt få boken att bli film. Men någon tidigare version har aldrig spelats in. Regissören till filmen blir nu brasilianska Walter Salles. Filmen planeras att börja spelas in nu i sommar.
Jag kan säga att källan behöver inte vara alls pålitlig, men om det är sant så skulle det vara en rolig nyhet.
Looks as if Kristen Stewart is going On the Road. And not just because she is doing publicity for the latest Twilight film, Eclipse, opening June 30.
As she told USA TODAY's Susan Wloszczyna today while in Chicago for an Oprah taping, "I am very much attached to a movie that has been trying to get made forever. Not that this is going to help it, but maybe I can just brag a little bit. I am super excited about it, too. I am about to play Marylou in On the Road. So that's a big deal."
Filmmakers including Francis Ford Coppola and Gus Van Sant have struggled for years to bring Jack Kerouac's classic 1957 tale of disaffected members of the Beat Generation to the big screen. Tron: Legacy's Garrett Hedland will play the confused drifter Dean Moriarity with Stewart as his young wife and british actor Sam Riley (Control) as his traveling pal, Sal. Brazilian director Walter Salles (The Motorcycle Diaries) will direct. Filming is expected to start this summer.

Jag kan säga att källan behöver inte vara alls pålitlig, men om det är sant så skulle det vara en rolig nyhet.
Looks as if Kristen Stewart is going On the Road. And not just because she is doing publicity for the latest Twilight film, Eclipse, opening June 30.
As she told USA TODAY's Susan Wloszczyna today while in Chicago for an Oprah taping, "I am very much attached to a movie that has been trying to get made forever. Not that this is going to help it, but maybe I can just brag a little bit. I am super excited about it, too. I am about to play Marylou in On the Road. So that's a big deal."
Filmmakers including Francis Ford Coppola and Gus Van Sant have struggled for years to bring Jack Kerouac's classic 1957 tale of disaffected members of the Beat Generation to the big screen. Tron: Legacy's Garrett Hedland will play the confused drifter Dean Moriarity with Stewart as his young wife and british actor Sam Riley (Control) as his traveling pal, Sal. Brazilian director Walter Salles (The Motorcycle Diaries) will direct. Filming is expected to start this summer.
